Carcassonne Layout


I love this one, just because I felt so creative making it. There’s a game called Carcassonne that Dylan and I play ALL the time. So its a big part of our story.

And when we went to Europe, we got the chance to visit the city of Carcassonne, on which the game is based. This was super exciting for us. It’s a small medieval city in France that is really a tourist trap, but still totally worth visiting.

The layout is based on the tiles from the game which look like this:

And it has little player pieces that look like this:

Dylan and I always play black and red, so I made the little meeple with red and black construction paper. For the background, I drew the city on a manila envelope and cut it out by hand. I really wish Silhouette made a mat with registration marks on it so I could take a picture and make cut lines EXACTLY where I want them.

Also a neat trick I came up with while making this layout: I wanted a greyscale pattern that I only had in colored patterned paper. I didn’t have any grey paper whatsoever, So I took a paper in a pattern I liked and photocopied it. and it came out looking exactly like I had envisioned.

Anyone else have any neat game based layouts?


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